A not-for-profit land trust protecting open space and enhancing our natural environment
Founded in 1989, the Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation is dedicated to preserving the land, protecting barrier beaches, and ensuring the integrity and water quality of the Winnapaug and Quonochontaug salt ponds. With the support of WFC members, the Foundation has purchased or negotiated development easements on over 1,000 acres.
Our Work
Establish Trails
Build Habitats
Restore Landmarks
Farmer Access
Meet the Board
Protecting our lands takes dedication, collaboration and creativity. Meet the all volunteer based board that drives the mission forward.
Daniel L. Richards, Co-Chair ; Trustee
Kristin Kligerman, Co-Chair; Trustee
Jamie Dworkin, Treasurer; Trustee
Edward B. Whittemore, Secretary; Trustee
Robert R. Bouvier, Trustee
Molly Byrnes-Randall, Trustee
Donald Dillon, Trustee*
Karen Dillon, Trustee*
Lisa Dworkin, Trustee*
Constance L. Gardner, Trustee
Susan R. Gatto, Trustee
Terry Hunt, Trustee*
Catharine Brooke Kinney, Trustee
Michele E. Pallai, Trustee
Edward M. Brown*
Robert C. Buffum*
Nancy H. Camp*
Wells W. Constantine*
Hoyt J. Goodrich
Mary L. McCormack
Peter P. Mitchell*
F. Wallace Prelle*
Rodney G. Stieff*
Frederick B. Whittemore*
Frederick B. Whittemore, 1989-1991
Rodney G. Stieff*, 1991-1994
Lillias T. Lane, 1994-1998*
Harvey C. DeMovick, Jr., 1998-2000
Robert C. McCormack, 2000-2002
Richard C. Anthony, 2002-2006
William A. Griffin*, 2006-2007
Finn M.W. Caspersen*, 2007-2009
Walter McCormack, 2009-2012
Richard A. Smith, 2012-2013
Gina A. Breakstone, 2013-2017
Linda U. Atkins, 2017-2020
Frank J. Kinney, III, 2020 - 2024* Deceased
Richard C. Anthony
H. James A. Atwood
Linda U. Atkins
Robert H. Bacon, Jr.*
Gina A. Breakstone
Robert C. Buffum*
Robert M. Byrnes
Barbara M. W. Caspersen*
Finn M.W. Caspersen*
Joseph V. Cavanagh, Jr.
Jeff Collinson
Robert E. Darling, Jr.*
Harvey C. DeMovick, Jr.
Susan DiLoreto
Laureston C. Dobbrow*
John Duffy
John Dumouchel
Richard A. Dumouchel*
Ann C. Ellis
Barbara Engel
Gordon N. Farquhar*
Geren W. Fauth
Ronald J. Gailun
Mark T. Gallogly
Sara K. Goodrich
William A. Griffin*
Richard H. Hosp*
Terry Hunt
Deb Kemper
Lillias T. Lane*
William C. Lane*
Helen C. Lathrop*
Angel LaVine
Maura T. Legare
Susan P. Lester
Frederick C. Maynard III
Robert C. McCormack
Walter McCormack
Danforth S. Mitchell*
Peter Mitchell*
Margaret Pack
Charles E. Panciera, Jr.
W. Hollis Petersen
John G. Power
Lorraine W. Randall
Elizabeth G. Riley
Michael Sands
Kara Short
James B. Slimmon, Jr.*
Richard A. Smith
Wesley Sparks
Marie L. R. St. John*
Seymour St. John*
Jayne R. Staley
James E. Stifel
Heidi Steinmetz Weissman
Langdon Wheeler
Henry M. White, III
Margaret Hark
James M. Tobin, Trustee
Support the Foundation
All donations go to capital additions, maintenance and program administration, such as accounting and insurance. Please join the Weekapaug Foundation and become an active participant in our efforts.