Make a donation.
Our work is possible thanks to the support of community members like you.
Alternate Ways to Give
By Mail. Please address a check payable to “The Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation” to:
Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation
P.O. Box 3067
Westerly, RI 02891
Employer Matching Gifts. Contact your employer to determine if this is an option, and mail all paperwork to:
Weekapaug Foundation for Conservation
P.O. Box 3067
Westerly, RI 02891
Honorary and Memorial Gifts. Making a donation in the name of a loved one is a wonderful way to celebrate or remember them. Please note who you are honoring in the necessary fields.
Gifts of Land
If you would like to discuss donating property to the WFC, please email us at info@weekapaugfoundation.org.