15 Morris Road Property

WFC holds a conservation easement on the fourteen-acre 15 Morris Road property. Located south of Shore Road and north of Chapman Road in Weekapaug. This is primarily a woodland property with a small acreage cleared for a residential structure. It is surrounded by forested wetlands on three sides, with protected farmland further to the north. The property lies between the breachway of Winnapaug Pond and the western end of Quonochontaug Pond, north of Weekapaug Point.


The Premises appear to have been used for pasture historically, currently it is comprised of a single-family residence on approximately 4 cleared acres of grass, surrounded by mixed Oak and Ruderal Forest. A wide variety of wildlife species make this expansive forest their home including white tail deer, rabbits, ground hogs, coyote/wolf/(coywolf), turkeys, the occasional toad and turtle, migratory and resident birds including blue jays, robins, hawks, osprey, the occasional owl, small and medium-sized mammals, and amphibians.


This property provides an important buffer along an area developed beyond its carrying capacity, and affords scenic views from Shore Road looking southward. Historic field stone walls bound the Premises and are recognized as a valuable cultural resource in the area. In addition, the premises lie within a greenway corridor as designated by the State of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.


The Weekapaug Golf Club


Everbreeze Farm